
Brigade Services

The Tasmania Fire Service (TFS) operates some 230 brigades across the state. A mix of career firefighters and volunteers work in the four major metropolitan areas. Volunteers operate in all other brigades.

The TFS's 230 brigades are ready to respond to a wide variety of emergency incidents 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. 000 emergency calls are directed through Telstra to our Statewide Control Centre, Firecomm, where the latest computer aided dispatch technology is used to respond the appropriate brigade through the use of alpha-numeric pagers. The TFS responds to a wide variety of incidents including:

•  Bushfires
•  Grassfires
•  Structure fires
•  Transport related fires
•  Hazardous Material Incidents (Hazmat)
•  Specialist response activities including:

•  Industrial rescue
•  High angle (rope) rescue
•  Trench rescue
•  Urban Search and Rescue (USAR)
•  Aviation response
•  Marine response
•  Chemical, Biological and Radiation (CBR)
•  Road Accident Rescue

In addition the TFS brigades provide practical support and resources to the State Emergency Service (SES), Ambulance Tasmania (AT) and Tasmania Police (TASPOL) at incidents such as:

•  Storms
•  Floods
•  Search and Rescue


TFS brigades also provide numerous other services including:

•  Advice on fire hazards
•  Premises key checks
•  Fire safety building inspections
•  Attendance at school or community group fairs
•  Fire station visits
•  Community Education activities
•  Post incident analysis
•  Fire investigations
•  Fire alarm advice