Fuel Reduction Program

What's Burning Now?

Note that bushfire incidents are not shown on this map - to see information about bushfires that may be happening in your area, click here.

The intent of this map is to display all planned burns being conducted for the current burning season, where information has been provided to the Tasmania Fire Service. While all efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information, there may be errors and/or omissions in the data presented.

Burns marked with a triangle are part of the State Government's Fuel Reduction Program. Other land management burns that are not part of the Fuel Reduction Program are marked with circles. These burns include forest industry silvicultural burns, regeneration burns, ecological and agricultural burns. Registered and/or permit burns are marked with a green triangle.

The Map indicates burns being planned (orange), burning now (red) and partially or fully completed for this season (grey/black, or with a 'p' or 'c'). Note that although the map displays the total operational area for a given burn, only part of the area may actually be treated.

Fuel Reduction burns are only conducted when it is safe and smart to do so. Therefore the schedule of burns may change daily, based on the weather. This helps to ensure that fuel reduction burns remain under control and that the effect of smoke on the community is reduced.

It is usually safest to conduct fuel reduction burns in autumn. Autumn is when the fuel on the ground is at its driest, which will reduce smoke from the fire. A smaller burning program is conducted in Spring, however fuel reduction burns can be conducted at any time the conditions are favourable, so check back here regularly.

If you would like more information about Parks and Wildlife Service bushfire management and planned burns, click here.

If you would like more information about Sustainable Timber Tasmania planned burns, click here.

If you're concerned about the impact smoke can have on your health, click here.

For information about current air quality in Tasmania, visit Asthma Australia or the Environment Protection Authority websites.

The Fuel Reduction Program is very conscious of the impact that the COVID19 pandemic is having upon Tasmanian communities. For information on COVID19, air quality and planned burning click here.

If you wish to lodge a complaint about smoke, call 1800 005 171 or contact the Environment Protection Authority at Air, Smoke and Odour Complaints. Your input will help to improve smoke management.